Let’s face it, we have all changed. I would venture to say that everyone has had a reboot. Some had a hard crash.
Things change, everyday, for everybody. But this was different.
Then, on top of all that we had experienced with the pandemic, I had a second reboot – almost a crash. It started the day I decided that I needed to go back, back to collect the parts of me I left behind. So I stepped out. Then came the crashing waves. The emotions.
I thought it was safe to I venture out to the springtime shores: fooled by the mild temperatures; thinking it’s okay to stick your toe in the water. You find it’s really not too bad, so you take a few more steps – deeper with each step. You are now up to your upper thighs.
Then the quiet waves comes, you hear the slapping on the shore, its almost soothing. Causing just a slight sway to your stance.
But when you least expect it – here comes it’s big brother. Reminding you that they are in charge. Not you.
It doesn’t hurt but it takes you off your feet, rolls you around a bit. And, if you are lucky, you stand fully clothed.